Getting a GRE tutor can make a huge difference in your GRE test prep. As the entrance exam for many graduate schools and professional programs, the GRE is a challenging test, and just like studying for the SAT or ACT, you may choose to get some personalized study help. A GRE tutor might not work for everyone, but they can certainly be an asset for students who want that structured, one-on-one study prep. Let’s look at what is on the GRE, whether a GRE tutor is right for you, and how they can help you ace this test!

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How Hard is the GRE? Do You Need a GRE Tutor? How A GRE Tutor Can Help How to Find a GRE Tutor FAQs

How Hard is the GRE?

Looking for a GRE tutor? A tutor can be an excellent resource when studying for this tricky exam. The GRE, or Graduate Record Examination, is a common grad school requirement, and assesses your readiness for study at the graduate level. While it’s not as hard a test as say, the LSAT or MCAT, the entrance exams for law school and medical school, it is not a walk in the park. The GRE is significantly harder than you might remember from the SAT and ACT, but luckily a GRE tutor can help you conquer it.

If you are required to take the GRE for admission to grad school, or you choose to take the GRE to demonstrate your academic skill and add a little boost to your grad school application, you may think about hiring a tutor or enrolling in a GRE prep course. For a test this important, a tutor can be the key to acing it.

For a closer look at what’s on the GRE and what makes it so challenging, take a look at the breakdown of the GRE’s content and structure below.

Here’s a breakdown of the GRE sections, including the number of questions and time limits for each one.

The ETS, which administers the GRE, is making changes to the GRE General Test, halving the total test time by almost half and reducing the number of questions. Here’s a look at the changes coming to the GRE:

Now that you know what to expect from this tricky exam, we’ll ask ourselves whether a GRE tutor is right for you.

Do You Need a GRE Tutor?

Can you ace the GRE without a tutor? Yes, you can! It is more than possible to self-study for the GRE and succeed. Is getting a GRE tutor worth it? Absolutely. A GRE tutor can make all the difference while you’re studying for the GRE and really take it to the next level.

But is a GRE tutor the right choice for you? If you’re on the fence, ask yourself some key questions before you launch into a search for the best GRE tutor for you.

  • Are any of the GRE sections a weakness for me? Maybe you struggle with reading comprehension, mathematics or one of the GRE subjects.
  • Do I struggle with standardized tests?
  • Do I find it difficult to self-study or stay on track?
  • Am I unsure how to create a good GRE study schedule or keep myself organized?
  • Is time management or organization a struggle for me?

If your answer to any of these questions is yes, or even maybe, rest assured a GRE tutor can help. A tutor is a resource you can use for every aspect of GRE prep, not just learning how to answer test questions or go over content review. A tutor can be a valuable resource for students who hate studying, or who face test anxiety, or even just want an extra hand to help them ace the test.

Acing the GRE is challenging, and earning a high GRE score can get you a spot in a top graduate program, or even be required to get into grad school. If you’re looking for a way to get into grad school with a low GPA, an excellent GRE score can tip the scales back in your favor, so if a tutor can be the key to getting your desired score, it may be worth it.

Not only this, but a GRE tutor can advise you on how long to study for the GRE, when to schedule your GRE test date and help you plan how many hours per week you’ll have to study. They can assist you with the logistics of how to study for the GRE as well as the important test strategies you need to succeed.

Next, we’ll look at some key ways a GRE tutor can help you ace this test!

How A GRE Tutor Can Help

A GRE tutor’s job is to prepare you for every aspect of the test, from how you prep for the GRE to key test-taking strategies to working with you to create a personalized study schedule and test-taking techniques. Here are some of the important ways a GRE tutor can benefit you.

1. Coach you on the structure and content of the GRE

The first thing a GRE tutor can coach you on is what to expect from the GRE so there are no surprises on test day. The GRE is unique, and although it evaluates you on familiar academic skills like critical analysis, reading comprehension, quantitative skills and high-level writing, it will likely be complete foreign to you.

Not only does the GRE use a digital software that takes some getting used to, but it also uses a unique scoring system and has numerous different question types and tasks for you to complete. A tutor can explain the test’s content and structure, explain how you’re evaluated in each section, and what kind of questions to expect. Tutors can coach you on how to answer each question type or tricks on how to decode complex instructions on the test.

2. Personalize your GRE study schedule

If creating the best personal GRE study schedule is not your strong suit, a tutor can help. They can provide advice on how many hours per week to study, how many weeks you should study to get the score you want, what to focus on during your studying, what resources to use and basically everything you might need to know about how to study for the GRE. GRE tutors may also have access to better study resources or recommendations on resources that would work for you, based on your learning style.

3. Keep you on track

Lots of students have trouble staying focused and motivation during tough study sessions. It can be draining to study for a grueling and important test, so having a study partner like a GRE tutor might be just the thing to keep you organized, on time and motivated to get through your study period!

4. Hold you accountable

One of the most important ways a GRE tutor can help you is by giving you accountability for your learning, your studying and ultimately your GRE score. Staying disciplined and committed to studying, especially for multiple months, can be hard, and there may be days when you would rather skip the books an give yourself a day off. While keeping your mental health is important, working with a tutor also gives you that sense of responsibility to push through and commit yourself to the studying process.

5. Walk you through test strategies

GRE tutors are well-versed in each of the GRE sections and question types, so they can give you insight into winning test-taking strategies that not only work for you but help you tackle any type of question. The difficulty of the GRE doesn’t just lie in its content, but in the short amount of time you have to complete it. Tutors can help you improve your time management during the test, whether with practice tests or timing exercises.

6. Bonus: Advice on whether to take the GRE, GMAT or LSAT

An added bonus of working with a GRE tutor is if you are applying to business school or law school. Some business schools and law schools accept the GRE in lieu of the GMAT—the entrance exam for business schools—or in lieu of the LSAT for law school. Perhaps you’re deciding between the GMAT vs GRE, or the LSAT vs GRE. Maybe you’ve decided to take both. A GRE tutor may be familiar with all three tests, and can give you practical advice on which one you should take for the best chance of success.

How to Find a GRE Tutor

How do you find the best GRE tutor? There are many, many services out there offering GRE test prep, including some combined GRE/GMAT test prep and grad school application help. The most important thing is to find the service that works for YOU. It’s tricky to wade through lists of potential tutors and pick the right one from reviews alone, so we have some tips on what to look for to make sure you’re getting the most value for your money.


1. Is it worth getting a tutor for the GRE?

A GRE tutor can absolutely be worth it for some students. The GRE is a difficult test, and earning a high score can be a challenge. Some graduate school programs require the GRE, and a good score can increase your chances of getting accepted and demonstrate your suitability for grad school. Working with a GRE tutor can help you improve your score more than self-studying alone.

2. What does a GRE tutor help with?

A GRE tutor essentially coaches you on how to approach the GRE, what’s on the test and how to prepare for it, creating an ideal study schedule and what you need to do to earn the score you want.

3. How much does a GRE tutor cost?

The cost of a GRE tutor can vary depending on whether you are looking at a private tutor or tutoring service. A tutor’s experience level is also taken into account. On average, GRE tutors charge around $30 USD per hour, up to around $50 USD per hour on the higher end of the scale.

4. How do I choose a GRE tutor?

Choosing a GRE tutor can be tricky. Focus on finding a GRE tutor that can offer personalized services, expert advice and has a proven track record of success. 

5. How hard is the GRE?

How hard is the GRE?. While similar to the SAT and ACT for college students who wrote these tests, the GRE is designed for students at the graduate level and is significantly harder. 

6. Does GRE outweigh GPA?

It depends on the graduate program. Some programs will consider an impressive GRE score as outweighing a lower GPA, and some programs may not consider GRE scores at all. You can check with the admission requirements and admission practices of a specific program to see how GRE scores are weighted and considered.

7. Is the GRE required?

Some graduate programs, such as special master’s programs, PhD programs and dual degree programs do require the GRE, although there are graduate programs that don’t require the GRE. There are also some professional schools, such as MBA programs and law schools, which accept GRE scores, too. Check with the program you plan to apply to if it requires the GRE or considers GRE scores.

8. How long should I study for the GRE?

How long to study for the GRE can vary from student to student, but in general you should plan to study for the test for 2-3 months. Some students may only need 6 weeks or so, while others may want closer to 4 months. You can take a practice GRE test to gauge how well you perform on the test or ask a GRE tutor for their advice on how long to study based on your practice diagnostic test.

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