If you are wondering how to prepare for your multiple mini interview, it is best to familiarize yourself with the hardest MMI questions and answers. The MMI is a situational judgment test that includes 8–12 stations, along with 1 or 2 rest stations. It includes questions and scenarios that reflect real-life situations and allows different interviewers to judge how you react to those scenarios. These scenarios test your critical thinking, problem-solving, and ethical decision-making abilities. MMIs are used not just in premed, but in dentistry, pharmacy, physical therapy, residency, and many other fields.

In addition to using an MMI prep book and other methods to prepare, the following five hardest MMI questions will set you up for the challenge.

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7 Categories of MMI Questions 5 Hardest MMI Questions and Answers Conclusion FAQs

7 Categories of MMI Questions

MMI questions are broadly categorized into:

Want to learn how to answer the hardest MMI questions? Watch this video:

Given the number of medical schools that use MMI, it is essential to prepare for this type of interview. The MMI is a unique interview format that involves taking different perspectives and reacting quickly and confidently. Unlike a regular interview, you can never settle into a conversation with your interviewers, as you will need to complete each station and move on to the next. Even if you don't struggle with interviews, considering an MMI interview prep course or, ideally, an MMI interview tutor is a great idea.

To familiarize you with some of the different questions in the interview, we present a list below, along with strategies to follow when answering the hardest MMI questions.

5 Hardest MMI Questions and Answers

Scenario-Based Question

A patient of yours is refusing a certain treatment due to their religious beliefs. How would you handle this situation?


Before you start answering the question, read it, and then read it again. Next, identify the type of scenario that has been presented to you by categorizing it under conflict of interest, evidence-based practice, ethical dilemma, professional ethics, informed consent, scope of practice, etc. Point out all the facts without being biased; this includes identifying all the parties involved in the situation and identifying the issue. Now, try to come up with a diplomatic solution, keeping in mind that a patient’s needs always come first. 


In a situation like this, it is important to take the time to understand the patient’s religious beliefs and concerns about the treatment. Therefore, I would sit down with the patient and listen to their point of view, with patience and an open mind. Then, I would explain to them the medical rationale for the treatment and its potential benefits for their health, as well as its risks. This will put all the facts on the table for both parties to see. Being a medical professional, I would make sure to respect their autonomy and right to make informed decisions about their health care. So, if they agree to the treatment, I would thank them for their understanding, but if they still choose not to receive it, I would document their decision in the medical record and make sure that they are informed of any potential consequences of not receiving the treatment.

Note that this question creates an ethical dilemma, and these types of questions are often included in MMIs, so practicing MMI ethical questions and answers will help you prepare.

Policy Question

Working in the pediatrics department, you are informed that the pediatrician has refused to continue acting as a child’s physician unless the child’s parents agree to fully vaccinate the child. What are your views on childhood vaccination?


Once you have established that this is an MMI policy question, start by describing the issue at hand; explain to the interviewer what the context is and how you understand the situation as it is presented to you. Try not to restate the question, as it does not add value to your answer. The strategy for answering policy-based questions is to first present both sides of the argument. In two to three sentences, establish what the two sides of the issue are by presenting facts. Then, wrap up the answer by providing your personal opinion on the issue at hand. Explain to the interviewer whether you agree or disagree with one side or the other. If you have any other solutions to the problem, briefly explain them as well.


The CDC recommends childhood vaccinations and states that on-time vaccination is essential because it helps provide immunity to children before they are exposed to potentially life-threatening diseases. The vaccines have been tested and are safe for children at the recommended ages.

I understand the decision taken by the parents, as they might fear the rare, but possible, allergic reactions or other side effects of the vaccine. They want to make an informed decision about the health of their child, so they may have weighed the pros and cons, which, in this situation, swayed their decision.

Nevertheless, we have empirical data showing that the side effects of vaccinations are minimal. Moreover, the CDC assures us that the disease prevention benefits of vaccines significantly outweigh the possible side effects in the majority of children. 

In this situation, if I were in the position of the physician, I would present the parents with all the data on the benefits of vaccination, but if they still decided to keep their child unvaccinated, I would respect their decision and continue providing health care to the child.

Personal Question

If you had to change something about yourself, what would it be?


The best way to give an impactful answer to this MMI personal question is to assume that you will be asked something along these lines and prepare for it. This question is similar to the "What is your greatest limitation?" or "What's your greatest weakness" questions.

Before jumping to answer the question, take a few seconds to mentally recap and then start by giving the interviewer context about your situation. Since this is a personal question, try to incorporate real-life personal examples and experiences to add gravity to your answer. Depending on what area of medicine you are applying to, be it premed, dentistry, pharmacy, physical therapy, residency, or other fields, try to think of an instance when you felt that you lacked “something” and how that “something” could have made the situation better. Interviewers don’t expect you to be perfect, so if you present yourself as a professional who is capable of accepting their mistakes and then improving themselves, the interviewer will greatly appreciate it. Finally, try to impress upon the interviewer that what you learned from that experience helped you become better in your field.


I come from a family of teachers. My mother is a kindergarten teacher, and I would say, the epitome of patience. Growing up under her guidance, you’d think that I would also be a very patient person, but that’s something I’m still striving toward. Over the years, I’ve noticed that I can be somewhat impatient in certain situations, like if I’m waiting to hear back from someone or if someone told me to wait for “x” amount of time and they don’t show up within that time.

I remember, while growing up, my mother often pointed out that I needed to be more patient and tolerant with my younger brother. I used to not give him the time and attention that he deserved from me. But I’m glad that I changed for the better and my brother and I now have the strongest bond in our family. However, there is still room for improvement.

I have learned quite a lot over the years and understand that expecting everyone to act as per my timeline is unreasonable. I have grown more patient thanks to my experiences at home, around my friends, and in my professional journey. Even though I value my time a lot, I have learned to not force my expectations on others. I’m still working on it. So, patience is something that I would like to further improve on.

Quirky Question

Question 4: If you could be any kitchen utensil, which would you be and why? Enter the room and discuss your answer with the interviewer.

Strategy: It is hard to prepare for MMI quirky questions because you cannot predict what they will be. These are typically creative questions that can touch on almost any subject. With such questions, the interviewer gets to see how the candidate adapts to the unexpected. They may or may not be related to the field of medicine and are designed to throw you off.

Since these types of questions are hard to prepare for, take a more holistic approach when trying to answer them. When you first read the question, take some time to think it over. Reflect on experiences that highlight your strengths, qualities, and skills. Note that in this case, your reasoning matters more than your answer, so the objective is to present a logical and credible argument. Remember, there are no “wrong” answers to such questions.

Answer: If I could be any kitchen utensil, I would be a butter knife. A standard butter knife is 5–7 inches long and has rounded edges, with one side having just enough serration for it to be called a “knife.” I believe I relate most to a butter knife due to its versatility. It can be used to cut things, spread things on other things … the other end can be used for stirring in some situations … and these are just some of its uses in the kitchen. In addition to its application in multiple scenarios, it is also easy to clean, and unlike a chef’s knife, it isn’t sharp enough to cut you.

This doesn’t mean a butter knife can’t be impactful. You can easily cut through a lot of fruits and vegetables, as well as softer foods like eggs, pancakes, waffles, puff pastries, and more with this effective tool. Not only does it deliver what it promises on its own, it works well with other utensils – like a fork. It complements the fork in a way that makes your food consuming experience significantly better. And a butter knife also does not damage your plates, unless you use excessive force, at which point you must ask the question, “What am I even eating?”

A butter knife is easy to handle, and unlike a regular knife, it does not need to be sharpened from time to time for it to perform at its maximum capacity. This makes the butter knife more durable, and this increase in longevity is more cost effective, as you will not have to invest time and money in maintaining it. Of course, it’s a given that it can’t perform all the tasks of a regular knife. It will not slice through the more regularly used vegetables, such as onions, potatoes, carrots, capsicum, and more. Certainly, the butter knife has a few limitations, but if utilized in the correct setting, it can be very effective.

These qualities of versatility, manageability, effectiveness, endurance, and resilience are, I believe, essential in the field of medicine as well. A physician needs to be versatile to be able to adapt to unexpected situations, for example, working in both hospitals and private offices that operate differently. Therefore, adjusting to the different workflows to function without errors would be very important. Physicians need to be efficient and effective, that is, sharp and accurate in their assessment, as well as compassionate with their patients. They must be strong and resilient because practicing medicine can take a toll on one’s physical and mental well-being.

Indeed, I see myself being that sturdy, dependable, and flexible physician who can slip into any health care environment, get to work, and prove their usefulness on a daily basis.

Collaborative Question

Question 5: Collaborative-type questions might involve drawing or puzzle solving or debates with another interviewee or the interviewer. For example, you could be asked to either draw an image or build an object using the given tools, following instructions from either the interviewer or another student. You may also have to give instructions to another student.


The objective of these types of MMI stations is to test your communication and problem-solving skills. The ideal way to approach these stations is to stay focused, calm, and positive throughout the session. First, make sure both you and your teammate understand the task and are familiar with the tools/objects in front of you. Then, give a general overview of what they need to draw. Try to be specific in your description of size, location, and other parameters. It is best to communicate all the information first and then ask your teammate to start drawing/building. Make sure they understand your instructions every step of the way.


Regardless of the field of medicine you are applying to, multiple mini-interviews can be tricky, challenging, and unnerving. You will be faced with a wide range of stations and different types of tasks, as well as more conventional questions. Knowing how to answer the medical school personal statement and interview question: "Why do you want to become a doctor?” as well as the popular "Tell me about yourself" interview question will be necessary for MMIs as well as other types of interviews, such as panel, traditional, or conversational med school interviews.

When you take time to prepare yourself thoroughly for one type of interview, it will boost your confidence in any type of interview, but it is best to prepare for the full range of possibilities to stand out in your medical school interview. Consider MMI interview coaching to seriously enhance your performance and present your best self to the interviewers.


1. What is an MMI?

MMI stands for multiple mini-interview, and it tests a candidate’s critical thinking, problem-solving, and ethical decision-making abilities. It includes 8–12 stations, along with 1 or 2 rest stations. There are questions and scenarios that reflect real-life situations and allow different interviewers to assess how you react to those scenarios.

2. What is the best way to answer scenario-based ethical questions?

Read the question more than once. Then, identify the type of scenario that has been presented to you. Next, point out all the facts without showing bias. Finally, try to come up with a diplomatic solution, keeping in mind that a patient’s needs always come first.

3. Are there different types of MMI questions that can be asked during the interview?

Yes, there are seven different types of questions that can be asked: scenario-based, policy-based, personal, quirky, acting, writing, and collaborative questions.

4. How can I know for sure what types of questions will be asked during an MMI?

You can't. You can be certain, however, that they will fall into specific categories and have certain themes, which you can definitely prepare for in advance.

5. Is an MMI hard?

MMIs can be difficult, yes, as they involve being immersed in realistic situations that require coming up with an appropriate solution quickly. Various skills can be developed to make you feel more confident in this situation.

6. Where can I get additional support to prepare for my MMI?

Admissions consultants, such as the medical experts at BeMo Academic Consulting, can help you prepare for your MMI and enhance your chances of acceptance to the medical schools of your choice. 

7. How do I approach a debate-type collaborative station MMI question?

In case you are given a topic to debate with a fellow interviewee or with the interviewer, you should keep a few things in mind. If you disagree with a point, inquire about it instead of taking an accusatory tone. If you have an opinion as part of a group but think it may not be a valid argument, don’t hold back. Note that the interviewers are looking for a candidate's communication skills, respect shown to others, and how they solve conflict. 

8. Do I need a tutor to help me with my MMI preparation?

Medical school interview prep with a consultant or tutor can have many benefits, both short-term and long-term. By preparing you for your medical school admissions interviews and building the necessary professional skillsets, it can be one of the best investments you make in your medical school career. 

To your success,

Your friends at BeMo

BeMo Academic Consulting

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