If you’re thinking about going to any of the universities in Alberta, you’ll likely hear about the Jason Lang scholarship and the Louise McKinney scholarships. These Alberta scholarships are inexorably tied to the province and are available only to Alberta residents. The Jason Lang scholarship is a unique Canadian scholarship, mostly because of the circumstances around its creation. The Louise McKinney scholarship celebrates an important figure in the province’s history. You must be an Alberta resident to be eligible for both. We’ll talk more about the Jason Lang scholarship, and the Louise McKinney scholarships, how they’re both connected to the province, and how you can apply for this one-of-a-kind Canadian scholarship

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9 min read

What is the Jason Lang Scholarship? What is the Louise McKinney Scholarship? When to Apply for the Jason Lang Scholarship & the Louise McKinney Scholarship How to Get the Jason Lang Scholarship & the Louise McKinney Scholarship FAQs

What is the Jason Lang Scholarship?

The Jason Lang scholarship is a memorial scholarship. It was created in the aftermath of the tragic death of Jason Lang; a 17-year-old high school student at W.R. Myers High School in Taber, Alberta who was killed in a school shooting. The Jason Lang scholarship was created by the government of Alberta as a way to recognize undergraduate students:

“for their academic achievements and encourages them to continue in their undergraduate or professional program of study”

With “continue” being the most relevant word, as the Jason Lang scholarship acknowledges that students face all manner of obstacles and challenges pursuing their studies. However, despite this heartbreaking story, the Jason Lang scholarship is a no-essay scholarship in Canada. You do not have to write any college essays detailing the challenges or adversities you’ve overcome. You do not have to write a college diversity essay detailing what diversity means to you or how you will seek to increase diversity at your school.

To win the Jason Lang scholarship, you simply have to keep going with your studies, as it is awarded only to those students who are entering their second, or any subsequent year, of undergraduate study or a professional program with a specific grade average, so it can also act as a medical school scholarship if you’re enrolled at any of the medical schools in Alberta. This scholarship is not open to high-school students and is not an entrance scholarship. The Jason Lang scholarship is primarily a merit-based award. The eligibility criteria include having a specific grade average, being an Alberta resident for at least 12 consecutive months (if you’re from out-of-province), and being enrolled in a public, accredited post-secondary institution in Alberta.

Jason Lang Scholarship: Eligibility Requirements

You can apply to the Jason Lang scholarship if the following applies to you:

  • Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person
  • Alberta resident in any one of the following ways: 1) one of your parents or legal guardians has made Alberta their primary residence for longer than 12 months 2) you have lived in Alberta for at least 12 months prior to applying 3) your spouse or partner has also made Alberta their home for at least 12 consecutive months
  • Enrolled full-time and entering your second or any subsequent year of your program (must be longer than one-year)
  • Have achieved a minimum 3.2 GPA on a 4.0 scale

You will not be eligible for the Jason Lang scholarship if any of the following applies to you:

  • Your program is only one-year in length
  • You are not returning to your studies at an eligible, publicly-funded post-secondary institution in Alberta
  • You have already won a Lousie McKinney scholarship for the same study period
  • You have already received a total of three Jason Lang scholarships

Some of the various schools and universities in Alberta have separate eligibility requirements. For example, the University of Lethbridge shows a preference for students from Taber who are graduates of W.R. Myers High School, although these are not requirements. All Alberta students who meet the main criteria will be eligible, regardless of where they are from in the province or what high school they went to.

Jason Lang Scholarship: Application Process/Materials

The Jason Lang scholarship is one of the easiest scholarships in Canada, since you only have to complete a simple application form. You don’t have to write any essays, list any extracurriculars for college or student engagement activities for college, nor secure any college recommendation letters. This scholarship is awarded solely on the basis of your academic performance and whether you meet the other eligibility criteria (being an Alberta resident; enrolled in an Albertan school).

The application process is done through your post-secondary institution, but every institution has its application procedures. For example, the University of Alberta uses a General Application form that you complete to compete for many different scholarships offered by the school, rather than having to apply individually to every scholarship. At U of A, when you apply for the Jason Lang scholarship, you’ll be also be considered for the Louise McKinney scholarship, which we’ll talk about later. However, at universities in Calgary and universities in Edmonton, you may have to apply separately to each scholarship, so you have to check what the procedure is at your school. 

The application form requires you submit the following information:

  • Personal, citizenship, and residency information
  • Social Insurance Number
  • Alberta Student Number
  • Information about your Post-Secondary Institution (name, address, location)
  • Program of Study (undergraduate or professional school)

You can also apply for the Jason Lang scholarship if you are transferring from another school or program in Alberta, but your application will be assessed based on your performance at your former school. The other difference between the institutions that offer the Jason Lang scholarship is the amount you’ll receive.

Some institutions, such as the University of Calgary and the University of Alberta offer a one-time award of $1,000. But the University of Lethbridge offers only a $500 scholarship. The award is non-renewable and it is a one-time scholarship, although you can apply up to three times and be awarded three times during your academic career.

Applying to the University of Alberta? Check this out:

What is the Louise McKinney Scholarship?

The Louise McKinney scholarship is another commonly sought-after Alberta scholarship that is often associated with the Jason Lang scholarship, as they both have similar application requirements and eligibility criteria. We’ll profile the Louise McKinney scholarship briefly, since it also a no-essay, merit-based scholarship only available to Alberta residents who are enrolled in or are planning to enroll in a suitable program in Alberta.

Another way that the two scholarships are linked is that if you don’t qualify for one (the Louise McKinney scholarship), you’ll be considered for the Jason Lang scholarship instead, which is a practice at the University of Alberta. But you cannot receive both scholarships in the same year. There are also over 1400 different Louise McKinney scholarships available each year, so there are many more McKinney scholarships available than Jason Lang scholarships.

Louise McKinney Scholarship: Eligibility Requirements

The Louise McKinney scholarship was named for an important political figure in Alberta politics; the first woman to be elected to a provincial legislature in Canada. The Louise McKinney scholarship has a higher award amount ($2,500) than the Jason Lang scholarship ($1,000) and it is much more competitive than the latter. The requirements for the Louise McKinney scholarship include:

  • Being a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or protected person
  • Being an Alberta resident, as it is defined by the above definition
  • Being enrolled full-time in a post-secondary university or professional school in Alberta
  • Have good academic standing (no minimum GPA or any other academic performance indicator)

But there are restrictions on who can apply for the Louise McKinney scholarships, which are almost similar to the Jason Lang scholarship, such as being only available to undergraduates (graduate students are not eligible for either). Another difference is that the Jason Lang scholarship is open to students enrolled in professional schools (medicine, veterinary, dentistry, etc.), but the Louise McKinney scholarships are not.

So, if any of these apply to you, you are not eligible for the Louise McKinney scholarship:

You have applied for and been awarded a Jason Lang scholarship in the same academic year

You are enrolled in a graduate program

You’re enrolled in an apprentice program

You’re upgrading your grades to earn extra credit

Louise McKinney Scholarship: Study Outside of Alberta

While there is a Louise McKinney scholarship for studies in Alberta, there is also a scholarship under the same name that is for Alberta students who want to study outside of Alberta. The Louise McKinney Scholarship for Study Outside of Alberta has similar requirements of the domestic scholarship, but only requires that you are enrolled or are planning to enroll in a post-secondary institution outside of the province, but within Canada. Your program of study must also not be available within the province, so you cannot apply for a Bachelor of Arts in English; your program must not be available at any post-secondary institution in Alberta to qualify for this scholarship. The academic standards for the out-of-province Louise McKinney scholarship are higher than the in-province one, as you must be in the top two percent of your academic class to be eligible for the out-of-province scholarship.

Louise McKinney Scholarship: Application Process/Materials

As with the Jason Lang scholarship, you only have to complete an online application for the Louise McKinney scholarship and submit it through your school’s financial office or student registrars’ office. And similar to the Jason Lang scholarship, you only need to include information such as your:

  • Personal, citizenship, and residency information
  • Social Insurance Number
  • Alberta Student Number
  • Information about your Post-Secondary Institution (name, address, location)
  • Program of Study (undergraduate or professional school)

You don’t have to write any additional essays, get recommendation letters or submit to an interview. You only have to meet the eligibility requirements and be in good academic standing, which is not as defined as it is with the Jason Lang scholarship.

When to Apply for the Jason Lang Scholarship & the Louise McKinney Scholarship

The application deadline for both the Jason Lang scholarship and the Louise McKinney scholarship are different for each institution. For example, at the University of Alberta, you can apply for both scholarships within two different deadlines. You can submit an application for the fall term by September 15 or you can apply for the winter term by January 15.

The scholarships are normally announced the months following the January application, usually in February or March. You’ll be notified in writing by your home institution and you’ll be mailed a cheque. If you choose, you can also submit a written application directly to Alberta Student Aid, which organizes and sponsors both the Jason Lang scholarship and Louise McKinney scholarship on behalf of the provincial government.

How to Get the Jason Lang Scholarship & the Louise McKinney Scholarship

1. Review the Eligibility Requirements and Apply on Time

Both the Jason Lang scholarship and Louise McKinney scholarship are Alberta-based scholarships, but each post-secondary institution has different deadlines for when you can submit your application. You should not only review the eligibility requirements to make sure you’re eligible, but also make sure you know when you have to submit your application. You don’t have to put that much effort into applying, but you don’t want to take the time to fill out an application only to find out the deadline has passed. We mentioned the deadline for applying if you’re a student at the University of Alberta, but each institution has a different application deadline.

2. Get Good Grades and Maintain Them

Earning the Jason Lang Scholarship requires academic prowess and dedication to learning. To stand out as a top contender, you must maintain exceptional grades throughout your university journey. The Jason Lang scholarship is non-renewable but you can apply for it up to three times during your academic career, including if you decide on going to medical school in Alberta at the University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine or Dentistry, the Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary, or law school, at the Faculty of Law at the University of Alberta.

There are several proactive steps you can take to ensure your success. First and foremost, prioritize effective study habits. Create a structured routine, allocating specific times for coursework, reading, and assignments. A disciplined schedule allows you to manage your time efficiently, ensuring that you can focus on mastering your subjects. Engaging with professors can also help with retaining or engaging with the material on a deeper level, so it becomes something you’re truly interested in and not just work. If you need extra help or are struggling with a particular subject, go to their office hours to discuss course material, and gain valuable insights.

Additionally, pursue avenues for extra credit assignments or projects whenever possible. These opportunities not only bolster your grades but also showcase your enthusiasm for going above and beyond in your studies. Participating in co-op placements, internships and exchange programs are included in the eligibility requirements for the Jason Lang scholarship, so you can still pursue extracurricular activities or other school-related educational experiences, so long as they are a mandatory part of your program of study.


1. What is the Jason Lang scholarship?

The Jason Lang scholarship is a merit-based, Alberta scholarship open to residents of Alberta who plan on continuing their studies in Alberta at the undergraduate, or professional school level. 

2. What is the Louise McKinney scholarship?

The Louise McKinney scholarship is another merit-based Alberta scholarship open to Alberta students continuing their studies in a minimum two-year program in Alberta; but there is a Louise McKinney scholarship available for studies outside of Alberta as well. 

3. What is the difference between the Jason Lang scholarship and the Louise McKinney scholarship?

The main difference between the Jason Lang and Louise McKinney scholarships are their award amounts and eligibility requirements. The Jason Lang scholarship has a defined metric for eligibility (minimum 3.2 GPA); the Louise McKinney scholarship only requires “good academic standing”, so its selection criteria are not that clear. They are more similar than different; they are both only for Alberta residents, and for students who are continuing their studies. 

4. What are the eligibility requirements for the Jason Lang scholarship?

You must be an Alberta resident (through any of the ways we listed) and be enrolled in your second or following year of an undergraduate or professional school program in Alberta. You must also have a GPA of 3.2 or higher to qualify. 

5. How can I apply for the Jason Lang scholarship?

The application process for the Jason Lang scholarship is different for every school in Alberta. You can apply through your home institution, or you can apply directly to Alberta Student Aid, as the Jason Lang scholarship is a funded by the government of Alberta. 

6. If I receive the Jason Lang scholarship, will I be eligible for other scholarships?

Yes, you can receive other financial aid or scholarships if you win the Jason Lang scholarship. However, you will be ineligible to receive the Louise McKinney scholarship if you are awarded the Jason Lang scholarship, and vice-versa. 

7. How much is the Jason Lang scholarship worth? How much is the Louise McKinney scholarship worth?

The Jason Lang scholarship is worth a one-time award of $1,000. The Louise McKinney scholarship is worth $2,500. 

8. Can I apply for the Jason Lang scholarship and the Louise McKinney scholarship as an international student?

No, the Jason Lang scholarship and the Louise McKinney scholarship are only open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or protected persons. 

9. How many times can I apply for the Jason Lang scholarship and the Louise McKinney scholarship?

You can apply up to three times to receive the Jason Lang scholarship. It is not renewable, but you are allowed to apply for up three different times. You can only receive the Louise McKinney scholarship once and it is also non-renewable. 

10. Is it hard to get the Jason Lang scholarship and the Louise McKinney scholarship?

There are several Jason Lang and Louise McKinney scholarships available every year, so the application process is not as competitive as other major scholarships. As long as you meet the eligibility requirements, and have the requisite GPA, you have a good chance of getting it. 

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