Are you wondering what the best medicine interview course is? We've got you! Medical school interviews are not easy, but they play such an important role in the admissions process that you have to ace them. The key to doing that is preparing adequately, but medical school interview prep can be challenging. That's where medicine interview courses come in. In this blog, we'll talk about what makes medicine interviews hard to prepare for, and we'll tell you about the best medicine interview course and how it can set you up for success. 

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8 min read

Why Do You Need to Prepare for Medicine Interviews? Do You Need a Medicine Interview Course? What is the Best Medicine Interview Course? Step-by-Step Guide for Finding the Best Interview Course Conclusion FAQs

Why Do You Need to Prepare for Medicine Interviews?

Every year, thousands of hopeful, qualified students gather their various application components and submit them to medical schools in the hopes of getting admission. The medical school reviews their personal statements, recommendation letters, and academic documents and then they decide who to call for an interview based on that information. If you've been invited for an interview, it means that the admissions committee liked what they saw on paper. Now, they've invited you for an interview so that they find out if you are still an ideal candidate in person. They want to get to know you better and assess your non-academic abilities.  

During your medicine interview, the interviewers will be listening to your responses and watching your behavior in order to evaluate the following:

It's important to remember that medical schools invite several qualified candidates for interviews. They want to get to know you, but they also want to compare your performance to other applicants' and see how you measure up. 

If you want to get that coveted offer of admission, you need to stand out during your interview. This is not easy to do when you do not have the right strategies. One of the common mistakes that students make during medicine interviews is trying to tell the interviewer what they assume they want to hear. This usually results in students providing generic responses to questions. The issue with generic responses is that not only are they well-worn clichés, which means that the interviewer can tell that you’re not being genuine, but they are also very forgettable. 

In addition to the fierce competition, medicine interviews themselves can be pretty challenging. They usually involve a variety of questions that can easily catch someone off guard. For example, the dreaded "tell me about yourself" interview question. Even though this question is very common, it is still difficult for many students to answer. Partly because people generally find it hard to talk about themselves, but also because it is way too open-ended. If you want to answer a question like this one in a way that is coherent and compelling, you need to prepare for your interviews well in advance. 

There are so many different question types that can come up during a medicine interview. Medical school applicants can expect questions about their personality, academic background, motivation to pursue medicine, interests, ethical questions, human anatomy, behavioral questions, questions about current affairs in the field, etc. In the end, medicine interviews are all about getting to know the person behind the GPA, MCAT score, and paper application. The interviewers want to find out if an applicant has the potential to become a good physician, and these questions help them determine that. 

Don't know what to expect in a medical school interview? Here are some things you'll want to know:

Do You Need a Medicine Interview Course?

That is completely up to you! Some students are able to prepare for their medicine interviews on their own and do fine. However, in this increasingly competitive climate, you want your interview to be more than just fine. While you might not need one, we do recommend using a medicine interview course to improve your chances of impressing the interviewer. 

Medicine interview courses provide students with the tools and strategies that they need to not only provide stronger, more compelling responses to medical school interview questions but they also give students lifelong skills that will especially come in handy in medical school. Students can improve their verbal and communication skills, presentation skills, and interview behavior with the right medicine interview prep tactics.

In our experience, students rarely realize that they need to improve their communication skills and interview performance. That's why we recommend participating in a mock medical school interview. Mock interviews are a great way to find out how comfortable you are with different interview formats, how strong your responses are to common medical school interview questions, and much more. It also allows you to look at non-verbal cues like your body language and tone of voice. All of which medicine admissions committees look at.

What is the Best Medicine Interview Course?

In our experience, no two students are the same. This means that the best class for one student isn't necessarily the best class for a different student. That said, there are a few core elements that we believe every good medicine interview course should have. Let's go through them:

Qualified and experienced instructors: We know it seems obvious, but it is worth mentioning. You are enrolling in a medicine interview course because you want a professional's expert advice, so you should be able to rely on the experts you are paying to teach you. We recommend investigating the company or instructor that offers the prep courses you are considering. Does the company have good independent reviews? Do they have any success stories? Do they offer other resources on their website? Take the time to peruse their website and find out about these things, as they will help you figure out which course is reliable and worth the money. If you're curious about BeMo's information, you can start by reading this blog that tells you what makes BeMo academic consulting worth it. But you don't have to take our word for it; our students actually say it better than we do in their reviews.

Mock interviews: As mentioned earlier, mock interviews allow you to learn a lot about your readiness for a medicine interview, and the same applies to interview course instructors. During mock interviews, they can watch for the same things that an interviewer would be looking for, and help you figure out where your performance is lacking.

Interview skills are highly coachable, but only if you know what needs improvement. A medicine interview course that gives you strategies for answering questions and how to comport yourself without giving you a chance to apply those strategies isn't doing you any favors. Furthermore, mock interviews give you a chance to get accustomed to the interview format. Most students don't go on many interviews while going from high school to medical school, so they have a lot to learn about how to behave in this kind of professional setting.

Personalized service: We recommend looking for a medicine interview course that offers one-on-one sessions and personalized feedback. You want to make sure that you are working with someone who is focused on your needs specifically. That way, you can be sure that the advice and feedback you're getting is not general or based on the average needs of a class, but that is genuinely about addressing your drawbacks and highlighting your strengths.

Furthermore, remember how we said that no two students are the same? It is very true! That is why classes that offer personal service are ideal for students. When you work directly with an instructor, they can change the pace of the course, the learning methods, and strategies to suit your specific needs, thus making it easier for you to learn and ensuring that you get the most out of the course.

Step-by-Step Guide for Finding the Best Interview Course

Want to see an overview of the next section before diving into it? Take a look at this infographic:

1. Calculate your budget

Once you have decided that a medicine interview course would benefit you, you need to determine how much you can spend on it. Think critically about your expenses and decide how much you are willing to invest in acing your interview. Keep in mind that this is an investment in your future, and you will most likely have several flexible payment plans to work with. Medicine interview prep requires looking for common and surprising medical school interview questions, brainstorming and then structuring answers for those questions, practicing to polish those answers, and making sure they are not too long. This is just one aspect of the preparation, and it is pretty time-consuming. That's why you need to be honest with yourself and consider how much time you have to prepare for the interviews and how much time you can realistically devote to it.

2. Consider your timeline

A course is excellent for busy students because it means that a big part of the preparation is taken out of your hands. You just have to focus on improving your answers and demeanor during the interview.

The amount of time you have will also affect the type of course that would be best for you. For example, if you can only devote two hours a week to interview prep for a couple of months, you might want to look for an online course because it will mean not wasting any time on a commute and getting the most out of those two hours.

3. Research available courses

Once you have figured out how much time and money you will be investing into medicine interview prep, it's time to look for the right course. Get online and look for courses that fit the bill. Remember, they should have mock interviews, personalized service, and good reviews. They should also fit within your budget or at least give you a payment plan that allows you to cover the cost. And finally, the course should work well with your timeline.

We recommend looking for courses that offer a free initial consultation during which you can ask additional questions and find out exactly how their consultants can help you.

4. Compare different courses

Keep meticulous notes as you research interview courses. If you've found multiple ones that are fit the bill, then compare them to one another. If you're having a hard time deciding, we suggest that you look at the company's mission or philosophy. It may sound cliche, but the truth is that when people care, they actually do a better job, so look for a course offered by a company that cares about students, their goals, and their access to higher education. The interview course administrators should have no issue sharing this information with you. You can sometimes find it directly on their website, while other times, you might need to inquire. For example, if you want to find out about our philosophy here at BeMo, you can read all about it in the about us section of our website, or you can watch our CEO's TEDx talk to find out why we do what we do.

5. Make a decision

This is not a decision that you come to lightly. The best medicine interview course for you is the one that will help you improve your verbal and non-verbal communication skills, help you come up with interview question answers that stand out, and maximize your chances of doing well in your overall interview. So review the notes you took as you went through the previous steps and decide!

Once you have decided on the best medicine interview course for you, it is time to enroll and start preparing!


Medicine interviews are incredibly daunting, and they require a lot of preparation. While it is possible to prepare for them by yourself, the right medicine interview course can give you a leg up by giving you the right tools and strategies. If you do decide to invest in an interview course, then take the time to research and find a course with good reviews that offers a free consultation, mock interviews, one-on-one sessions, and personalized feedback. Be honest with yourself when calculating the amount of time and money that you can devote to medicine interview prep and follow the guidelines outline above to find the best medicine interview course for you.


1. What is a medicine interview course?

Essentially, it is a prep course specifically designed for aspiring medical students. It is usually offered by medical school consultants, and they provide tools and strategies to help you do well in your medical school interviews.

2. How important are medical school interviews?

Medical school interviews are very important. They can account for up to 70% of your final application score, so you definitely want to be prepared for them.

3. Are medical school interviews hard?

Medical school interviews can be challenging, but if you take the time to prepare the right way, they are less daunting and can actually be pretty easy.  

4. What type of questions do they ask in medicine interviews?

You should expect questions about your personality, background, goals, desire to pursue the field of medicine, and questions about current events in the field as well.

5. Do I need a medicine interview course?

While a medicine interview course is not required, It is highly recommended. Medical school interviews are not easy to prepare for, and they carry a lot of weight in the admissions process so if you want to do well, you need to bring you’re a-game, and that is what medicine interview courses help you do.

6. Are medicine interview courses expensive?

The cost of a medicine interview course varies greatly depending on the company you’re working with and the services that you need. That said, usually, they’re able to different forms of payment plans that can make things easier for you.

7. When should I start preparing for medicine interviews?

You should start preparing for your interviews well in advance. Medical schools usually send student invitations a week or two ahead of time, and that is not enough time to prepare. We recommend that you start looking for a course or gathering your prep materials while you prepare the rest of your medical school application. That way, as soon as you submit your application, you can start focusing on mock interviews and improving your overall interview score.  

8. What makes BeMo the best medicine interview course?

Not only has BeMo helped 44,754 students (with an outstanding success rate of 93.5 and a 91% referral rate), but those students have amazing things to say about us. If you still have some questions about how BeMo can help you, book a free consultation and a member of our team will be happy to answer your questions.

To your success,

Your friends at BeMo

BeMo Academic Consulting

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